Track 'n Trade LIVE Stocks & Options
Opening a Chart
Video Transcript
In this video, I'm going to demonstrate several ways to open up charts.
The first way is to come to the Charts tab. We're in Portfolio One, and we're going to just type in a symbol that we are aware of. So, we may say "Apple," A-A-L. We type that in there, and we can just hit Enter on the keyboard, or we can hit Open Symbol, and that's going to open up our chart.
Then, if we want to open up a symbol for a chart that we don't know about, we don't know the symbol for, we can come in and say "A-P-P-L-E." So, we just type in the company name. Again, we can hit Enter or we hit Open Symbol, and when the software doesn't know what that is—since it's not a symbol—it pulls up the Symbol Search. In the symbol search, you can see we have all the symbols on the left-hand side and the company names here. You can select the one that you believe it is. So, if it's Apple, we can select Apple, and again, it's just going to open up this chart for you at this point.
Now, another way that you can open a chart is if you have an existing position. Down here, we have OI, and so we can come in here, and if we are in the Positions, we can just double-click that in the Positions tab, and it will open up that position for us, or that chart for us. That's another way of opening charts.
Another way of opening charts is by right-clicking on the symbol or the company name. We can right-click on it, which gives us a right-click menu, and then we can come down here and open up a second chart. Let's say we want to have a 15-minute chart of Apple. We can right-click on that, and it'll give us a 15-minute choice. Now, we can move back and forth between these two charts.
The thing that you'll want to notice is that these are two separate charts—they're not the same chart, but they are both Apple. If we come in here and draw a box on the 15-minute chart, you'll notice when we come to the daily chart, it is not there. If we come back to the 15-minute chart, it is still there.
Now, if we come in and open up a 5-minute chart, we now have a 5-minute chart, a 15-minute chart, and a daily chart. This is a way of opening up multiple charts. If I want to change the time frame of the 5-minute chart to be a 10-minute chart, I can right-click on the 5-minute chart and change it to 10 minutes this way. Or, I can come down here in the bottom-left corner, where you'll see a series of tabs, and you can click on one of these tabs to change the time frame of this particular chart.
So, let's change this chart back to 5 minutes. Now, we have a 5-minute chart, a 15-minute chart (which has a box on it), and a daily chart. You'll notice that if I come into the 5-minute chart and draw a circle, I have a circle on the 5-minute chart, a box on the 15-minute chart, and no drawings on the daily chart. That's because those are three separate charts.
Now, if I come into the 15-minute chart, come down here, and change this to a 10-minute chart, you'll notice the box still remains there. That's because I changed the 15-minute chart to be a 10-minute chart, which is the same chart.
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